Ranked top 500 company within all DCMA
Ranked top 500 company within all DCMA
© Hyperox Technologies 4805 Mercury Street, Suite K, San Diego, CA 92111  Phone 858 278-2884, Fax 858 278-2834 E-mail: hyperox@aol.com Cage code: OKKV2
Hyperox Technologies: Quality
Hyperox Technologies has been certified by the Navy Special Emphasis Operations' Contract Management Office to supply Sub Safe and Nuclear Reactor Plants Items. Our inspection system is certified to Mil-Std-45208A.
© Hyperox Technologies, 4805 Mercury Street, Suite K, San Diego, CA 92111  Phone 858 278-2884, Fax 858 278-2834 E-mail: hyperox@aol.com Cage code: OKKV2
Hyperox Technologies: Quality
Hyperox Technologies has been certified by the Navy Special Emphasis Operations' Contract Management Office to supply Sub Safe and Nuclear Reactor Plants Items. Our inspection system is certified to Mil-Std-45208A.